Did you know that the global cloud computing market is set to skyrocket, boasting an exciting Compound Annual Growth Rate (CAGR) of 16.3% until the year 2026? With this in mind, it's important to complete cloud modernization for your business ASAP.

But it isn't an easy task. There are several factors involved, all of which should be checked off the list. That's why we've developed this checklist for your convenience to facilitate your cloud modernization.

What is Cloud Modernization?

Cloud Modernization involves the strategic upgrade of IT systems, applications, and infrastructure to harness the full potential of cloud computing. Cloud Modernization strategy is not merely a technological shift but a pivotal organizational change aimed at improving efficiency, flexibility, and scalability.

Importance of Cloud Modernization for Businesses

In an era where agility and innovation drive success, cloud modernization emerges as a critical factor for businesses. According to a study by Rackspace Technology, 80% of the survey respondents  believe that they won't be able to take full advantage of AI if they don't modernize.

The ability to adapt, scale, and optimize operations directly impacts competitiveness. Cloud modernization lays the foundation for improved collaboration, enhanced customer experiences, and streamlined processes, ultimately influencing the bottom layer.

Understanding Your Existing Systems

Before embarking on the cloud voyage, understanding your existing systems is paramount. The critical step for it involves:

Conducting a System Assessment

Before embarking on the modernization journey, a thorough assessment of existing systems is essential. This involves a meticulous examination of current infrastructure, applications, and data systems to identify areas that require modernization.

Analyzing App Modernization Needs

Applications are the lifeblood of modern businesses. Analyzing App Modernization needs involves evaluating the relevance and efficiency of existing applications, determining compatibility with cloud environments, and strategizing for updates or replacements.

Establishing Performance Baselines

To gauge the success of modernization efforts, organizations must establish performance baselines. Identifying key performance indicators (KPIs) allows for the measurement of progress and the effectiveness of the modernization strategy. To know KPIs & performance baselines, you can use various tools like Tableau or Geckoboard.

Risk and Security Audit

Security is paramount in this cloud era. Conducting a risk and security audit helps identify potential vulnerabilities and ensures that robust security measures are integrated into the modernization process.

Cloud Migration and Modernization Strategy

A successful modernization strategy aligns closely with organizational goals. It involves understanding how cloud technology can support and enhance overall business objectives, whether they relate to cost reduction, improved customer experiences, or increased operational efficiency.

Seamless cloud migration hinges on careful considerations.

  • Defining clear goals and objectives sets the direction for the migration process.
  • Choosing the right cloud provider involves evaluating factors such as services offered, security protocols, and scalability.
  • The migration approach must be tailored to the specific needs of the organization, whether it be a lift-and-shift model or a more intricate rearchitecting.

The Cloud Modernization & Migration Checklist

Now, let's get down to the ultimate Cloud Migration and Modernization Checklist.

Pre-Migration Checklist

Thorough Planning

  • Assess current workloads and infrastructure.
  • Define clear goals and objectives for migration.
  • Clearly state the scope of your migration: which applications and datasets will move to the cloud?
  • Evaluate the readiness of existing applications for the cloud.
  • Develop a detailed timeline for each phase of the migration process.

Cost Estimation

  • Establish a realistic budget for hardware, software, migration services, and training, including potential hidden expenses.
  • Develop a budget that aligns with organizational resources.
  • Utilize cloud provider cost calculators and estimation tools to forecast cloud service expenses.
  • Factor in potential downtime impact and any necessary hardware upgrades.
  • Include ongoing operational costs in your budget projections.

Resource Allocation

  • Identify the personnel needed for project management, system analysis, data migration, and security assessment.
  • Ensure teams are adequately trained for the upcoming changes.
  • Secure licenses and subscriptions for cloud services essential to your applications.
  • Inventory existing hardware and determine its potential reuse or disposal needs.

Migration Checklist

Data Migration

  • Develop a comprehensive plan for seamless data transfer.
  • Choose the appropriate data migration strategy based on data volume, sensitivity, and latency requirements.
  • Implement data security measures such as encryption and access control during the transfer process.
  • Conduct thorough data integrity checks before and after migration to ensure accuracy.
  • Validate successful data migration before moving forward.

Infrastructure Deployment

  • Deploy cloud infrastructure based on pre-defined specifications.
  • Configure your cloud infrastructure in alignment with your on-premises systems and network architecture.
  • Establish redundancy and disaster recovery plans to ensure high availability and resilience.
  • Optimize infrastructure for scalability and flexibility.
  • Confirm compatibility between existing systems and the cloud environment.
  • Set up automated configuration management tools to streamline future deployments.

Application Testing

  • Conduct rigorous testing of applications in the new cloud environment.
  • Identify and resolve any compatibility issues.
  • Ensure that applications perform optimally in the cloud.
  • Conduct user acceptance testing to ensure a smooth transition for end users.
  • Integrate automated testing tools for continuous testing and feedback during the migration process.

Security Implementation

  • Establish robust security measures to safeguard data.
  • Implement encryption protocols for sensitive data in transit and at rest.
  • Conduct thorough security testing to identify and address vulnerabilities.
  • Configure cloud security tools such as firewalls, intrusion detection systems, and access controls.
  • Establish role-based access control to ensure the least privileged access to cloud resources.

Post-Migration Checklist


  • Fine-tune cloud resources for optimal performance.
  • Implement automation tools to streamline processes.
  • Identify areas for improvement based on post-migration performance metrics.
  • Use cloud performance monitoring tools to identify and optimize resource utilization.
  • Regularly review cost metrics and adjust configurations to optimize cloud expenses.
  • Implement autoscaling for your applications to adapt to fluctuating resource demands.


  • Set up continuous monitoring of cloud infrastructure and applications.
  • Implement alerts for potential issues to ensure proactive management.
  • Regularly review monitoring data to identify trends and areas for enhancement.

Performance Evaluation

  • Evaluate the overall performance of applications and infrastructure.
  • Analyze application logs and performance data to identify potential bottlenecks and improvement opportunities.
  • Gather feedback from end-users and stakeholders.
  • Use key performance indicators (KPIs) to assess the success of the migration.
  • Compare post-migration KPIs (e.g., response time, uptime) to pre-migration baselines to measure the success of your modernization efforts.
  • Conduct periodic surveys and reviews to gather feedback from users on the migrated applications.

Ensuring a Smooth Transition

While the checklist serves as a valuable tool, additional considerations contribute to a successful cloud modernization endeavor.

Scalability and Security Measures

Scalability is a hallmark of cloud infrastructure. Exploring strategies for scalability ensures that the organization can adapt to evolving demands. Simultaneously, robust security measures are crucial to safeguard against potential threats and vulnerabilities.

Performance Optimization

Optimizing performance post-migration is essential for realizing the full benefits of cloud modernization. This involves fine-tuning applications, monitoring resource usage, and addressing any performance bottlenecks.

Continuous Improvement

Cloud modernization is an ongoing process. Continuous improvement involves regularly revisiting strategies, incorporating feedback, and staying abreast of technological advancements to ensure sustained success.

According to an AWS report, highly modernized organizations see a 43% revenue growth. Navigating the cloud for modernization is a multi-faceted journey that demands careful planning and execution. By understanding existing systems, formulating a robust migration strategy, and adhering to a comprehensive checklist, your business can ensure a smooth transition to the cloud.

Embracing scalability, prioritizing security, and committing to continuous improvement are key tenets that will position your organization for long-term success in the dynamic landscape of cloud computing.